Name: Jacques Dumas
Nicknames: #1, old man
Age: ~31
Gender: Transmasc
Height: 5'3''
Birthdate: October 22nd, 1992
Pronouns: He/him
Position: Goalie
Date Created: 9/13/2023
Designer: @ Lycanwlf
+ Guy who gets called old at 30
+ Guy who sneaks into your house at night to play with your pet and steal your hoodie
+ "Why don't we just kill this guy? It's not like anyone would care"
+ Somehow still a dissapointment to his family despite being paid millions of dollars a year
+ Repressing feelings is awesome and so cool and has 0 downsides at all
+ "Don't call me short it makes me dysphoric. yes you can pick me up and throw me at people that's awesome"
Jacques, on the surface, is extremely chill and hard to rile up. There are very few things that can get him to show more emotion besides a smirk or neutral expression. This can be very comforting to his friends, so he's usually everyone's first pick to talk to when they need help. Which works out for him because he's VERY nosy and likes to know what's going on in everyone's personal lives LOL
He does, however, have an issue with refusing to talk to other people about his OWN issues. No one in the friend group knew ANYTHING about his childhood until like, 5 years into knowing him. He does this because he's afraid he'd come across as "needy" or "emotional". It's mostly just dysphoria telling him that if he's sad for too long people will see him as a woman again. So obviously the answer to this is to ignore the root cause and just pretend he doesn't have any emotions!!!
One of his ways of repressing emotions is by laughing at literally everything. He could be DYING and his immediate response is to giggle and send a joke to the group chat. Situations similar to that happens at LEAST once a month, where he'll refuse to take something seriously until someone else yells at him to take care of himself. What a silly little guy !
Jacques Dumas is one of the goalies for the Washington Specters. He was born in Laval, but he had to move in with his grandparents in Montreal alsmot instantly. He moved in with his girlfriend before he turned 18 and joined the AHL once he could, and was moved up to the NHL soon after. He broke up with his GF and moved to the US before being traded to the Washington Specters in 2017.
Jacques was born in Laval, Quebec, just outside of Montreal. His parents, however, were in an extremely tough spot financially, to the point of having to completely surrender him to his grandparents who lived in Montreal. Jacques never got the chance to meet his parents, as they both separated and moved away from the Montreal metropolitan area entirely. So Jacques was raised exclusively by his grandparents.
Jacques was born female, his grandparents were religious and fairly conservative, so he was routinely pressured into being “lady-like” and a future mother. Before Jacques even knew he was trans he was extremely uncomfortable with this treatment, which would cause several arguments between him and his guardians. He still loved them and they loved him back but it was a strained relationship to say the least.
Eventually, in highschool, Jacques came out to his grandparents as trans and was met with mixed responses. He was told they would “support” him but they still refused to refer to him as their grandson and would double down on pressuring him into being traditionally feminine. This led to him leaving his home and moving in with his girlfriend at the time across the city before he even graduated highschool, which wouldn’t be a much better situation.
As he started medically and legally transitioning, his girlfriend’s “support” started to wane. He would get misgendered constantly by her, in ways she’d never do prior. Hockey started to be the only place he would be respected, as his AHL teammates had no idea he was trans. When he was told he could move to the NHL, he immediately accepted and broke up with his girlfriend so he could move. She finally admitted she was only with him because he was born a woman, and with that he snuck out of their apartment without a goodbye and moved to play with the Avalanche. A couple years after playing with them, he was traded to the Specters.
One morning, Jacques woke up to several calls by his coach. He checked the voicemails, and was told that he had been outed by the ex coach of the Specters. He was absolutely devastated and horrified. He refused to leave his home for several days, despite all of the visits by his friends checking in on him. Several teammates made statements saying they, obviously, don’t care that Jacques is trans and they still support and love him. This didn’t stop the constant onslaught of questions and hatred being sent his way. Jacques eventually gained the courage to make a statement confirming that yes, he is trans. And that no, he won’t be leaving the NHL. His friends had to keep a constant eye on him for a couple weeks to make sure that he wouldn’t either hurt himself or get hurt by someone else, but he ended up okay.
Jacques was initially extremely silent on being trans, trying to make people forget and just go back to ignoring him, but it didn’t work. So after a while, he started “leaning into it” and being extremely vocal about trans rights and what it was like playing in the NHL as a trans man. Did get more hate by fans? Not any more than he was already receiving! So he kept at it even after he retired. He’s gotten several messages by young queer hockey fans that he was the sole reason they keep playing the sport. He spends a mass majority of his retirement years helping kids get into the sport and advocating for equality in the NHL.
Also, just as a small story, for his final game, Matt Shawn and Jonathan sang Gary Come Home from fucking spongebob during the pre-game ceremony. He tried really hard not to, but he started sobbing lol. He got a shut-out that game too! :D
+ He named himself after Jacques Plante. For the normal people reading this he's the first goalie in the NHL to wear a mask
+ He used to be extremely dysphoric about his voice but Matt once mentioned that he vaguely sounded like "the one guy who made virtual reality" and now he LOVES his voice.
+ Has a 2 year old Shiba Inu named cookie :3 She's a little shithead but Jacques loves her more than anything else in the world
+ Has an EXTREMELY high pain tolerance to the point where he's had to go to the doctor several times over concerns of him having some sort of nerve damage or something. They haven't found anything so I guess he's just weird
+ Jacques is a massive pokemon nerd but won't let anyone know because he thinks he's too cool for it or something. His fave is Eevee btw. bully him for it he needs to be humbled
+ Has chronic migraines that he can usually power through/ignore but him needing to stay home from a game has happened quite a few times. Matt is super okay with this and it's rarely an actual issue
Shawn and Jacques aren't the closest but they do still love each other. They mostly bond over talking about Matt because they both would die for that idiot LMAO. Jacques was the one who convinced Shawn to eventually try estrogen once he retired lol
ooohhhh my GODDD he loves this dumbfuck. Matt was in desperate need of a friend when he first moved to Seattle (and some goalie coaching LOL) so Jacques quickly filled that role. He would DIE for this dude and spend every single game he's not in net cheering for Matt from the bench.
Jonathan and Jacques are an unstoppable force when they team up for anything, which mostly ends up being michief. Almost all of their DMs are one of them asking the other "wanna do ___ to piss off ___" and the other IMMEDIATELY responding "without a doubt in my mind." They are responsible for several thousands of dollars worth of damage to the other's properties.
UGH these 2 are so sweet. They've both helped each other in so many ways. Mall is one of the only people Jacques can be "real" with, so she ends up seeing the most vulnerable parts of him out of everyone. He also hates to admit this, but he's happy he has someone else that's close to his height so he doesn't feel so short LMAO