Name: Jonathan Bear
Nicknames: #4, Miracle
Age: ~27
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4''
Birthdate: September 12th, 1996
Pronouns: He/Him
Position: Center
Date Created: 9/13/2023
Designer: @ Lycanwlf
> Boston.
> He's like if Jesus Christ was a hockey player. At least that's what the media says about him
> Guy who wears "i miss my wife" shirts unironically because he is truly in a constant state of missing his wife
> Beaked up king
> Quite possibly the Least Normal person about hockey. I'm saying this in a VERY negative way
> Bird trapped in a cage coded. What that cage is/represents is up to viewer interpretation
Jonathan is a very reserved individual. He literally had 0 friends growing up and this was on purpose, he wanted to focus ENTIRELY on hockey, but now he's a little socially stunted. Getting him to open up is a VERY hard task and has only really been done by his closest friends and his wife. But when he does open up? Oh my god he's unbearable. He likes acting super "cool" and smug but in reality he's the most boring guy ever and that's a huge insecurity don't call him boring he'll start crying. I mean in the moment he'll play it off like "heh. whatever." but once its over he'll crawl to Mallory and cry so hard he vomits.
He’s the literal perfect team captain. He’s EXTREMELY competitive and passionate about everything he does. He loves pissing off opponents and taunting opposing team’s captains and has a horrible habit of getting into verbal fights, whether that be on the ice or online, he LOVES arguing and pissing people off. He doesn’t always do this in a negative way though, he also just loves dicking around and participating in useless friendly discourse.
• Hockey. Obviously. • Violin
• Fall Out Boy • Birds
• Driving • Sweets/desserts
• Aging • Interviews
Born and raised in Boston, his father introduced him to hockey super early on, mostly as a joke. But, he proved himself to be extremely talented and managed to get drafted 1st overall in 2014 to the Washington Specters. He and his girlfriend, Mallory, moved across the country and made a name for themselves in their respective careers. Jonathan was eventually promoted to captain of the Specters after only a couple years playing for them.
Jonathan is by far the character I have the most lore for. Sorry if this doesn't make much sense, I think about this man constantly.
Jonathan was born at 12:04 am on 9/12/1996, being 10 minutes younger than his twin brother, Jackson. His parents, Jonah and Victoria Bear, were only expecting one kid (and only really had the funds for one) but raised them well nevertheless. His dad, after being persuaded by his coworker, had Jonathan try out hockey and it was proven VERY early on that he was INSANELY good at the sport. So, he dedicated his entire life to the sport. He would actively ignore speaking to other kids at school so he wouldn't have to "deal with friends." Looking back he was very obviously mentally ill but eh who cares.
He proved himself to several coaches and minor leagues as he was slowly noticed by more and more officials, eventually sending him to the World Juniors whilst he was in highschool. There, he met Shawn for the first time, where they would dominate the competition and basically guarantee a spot in the NHL. In 2014, he was drafted 1st overall to the struggling Washington Specters. Before he left for the league, he asked Mallory if she would be moving across the country with him, where she promptly declined. He thought it was just because she wasn't ready but in reality she was hiding being extremely sick from him, like sick to the point it wasn't out of the question she could die.
He moved in with the Specter's captain at the time, Bradley Fox, and his wife as a sort of "training" thing. His first year was phenomenal, easily living up to the expectations the fans had for him. He scored 3 times in his first game, and went on to regularly get at least one point in every game. The NHL proved to be extremely stressful however. The constant travel and older players "testing" him (slamming into him at full force and ridiculing him almost to the point of tears) started getting to him. He tried being super smug and confident in public but in reality he was horrified. It only got worse when Mallory had to tell him that she was extremely sick and borderline about to die. Bradley finally convinced him to take a break and to go stay with his girlfriend in Boston after several weeks of him BEGGING Jonathan to take care of himself mentally. He took a hiatus and stayed with Mall for a little over a month, just long enough for her to get surgery and be on the road for recovery. He also spent a ton of time with his mom and brother (who, btw, was currently enrolled in fucking Harvard.). His mom consoled him and convinced him that he did still actually want to play in the NHL, he just wasn't used to the environment yet (something Brad had been telling him for months but he just didn't register) and his brother gave some playful bullying until he had the confidence to go back to the league.
He went on to acquire over 100 points in his rookie season (which is crazy because the Specters didn't even make it to the playoffs and he had a MONTH LONG HIATUS) and went back home during the off season, where he took care of Mallory whilst she was still in recovery. Fox retired during Jonathan's second season, and he promptly promoted Jonathan into the team's captain. Which caused some controversy but Brad assured the public that it was his idea in the first place and that Jonathan would do wonderfully. Mallory also recovered enough to move in with Jonathan in Seattle, where they bought their first house together as she started art college and her job of driving Jonathan to and from the rink every day LMFAO.
Jonathan continued being at the top of the league for his entire career. Once Shawn came to the Specters, Jonathan finally felt comfortable showing his true personality to the public and quickly became one of the most well loved players (and the one with the most RPF written about him. lol.) But, in 2021 his team lost in the 3rd round of the playoffs, the farthest the team had gotten in his career. Soon after, he got a call from his dad that his mother had gotten into a car crash and had passed away.
He very quickly spiraled after that and developed both alcoholism and a dissociative disorder, specifically DP/DR. The off season between the 2021 and 2022 season were the worst few months of his life, leading him to almost commit suicide if it weren't for Shawn and Mallory. It took several months for him to admit his problems, but once he did all his friends helped him recover and built back up his confidence. Over the course of the next season he went from playing the worst hockey you’ve ever seen to the best, eventually making it back to the playoffs and winning the 2022 cup with his team. On the day he had the cup he went back home to Boston and brought it to his mother's grave alongside his brother.
He still struggles with dissociation, it being mostly triggered by him playing hockey (go figure) but after Mallory finally convinced him to get therapy he found ways to cope with it enough for him to continue playing with no issue. He also figured out that he had pretty bad OCD during this time as well so getting medicated for that also helped. He retired last out of the 4, playing a full season after Shawn and Matt left. He had a horrible fear of his life without hockey, but it was during this final season he finally accepted his fate and became comfortable with a life outside of the NHL. His number was retired for the Specters and he was placed in the top 10 point scorers in history, ending with around 1,774 points.
The first year after the NHL was extremely hard for him, he did basically nothing all day except for working out and watching every NHL broadcast available. Jacques spent the most time with him during this, as he was the one who had been retired the longest out of the 4. Over the course of SEVERAL months Jonathan eventually found a schedule that fulfilled him and didn't make him want to rip his skin off from the lack of ice sport.
He now works as the announcer for the Specters alongside Shawn. They’re a fan favorite duo and love their job. They also continue to be the 2 NHL players with the most RPF written about them. Fujoshi win!
- He has a pet bird named Mr. Fish :) (full name Eclarktus M. Fish) He's a 12 year old male eclectus parrot Jonathan and Mallory adopted when they were VERY drunk
- ^ They were offered Fish outside of a club by some random dude, and since they were both HAMMERED they accepted him. They then proceeded to spend the next month studying and researching how to take care of a parrot. They love Mr. Fish very dearly :3
- Has a HORRIFIC fear of driving. He's completely fine being a passenger in a car but for some reason he Can Not handle driving At All. Mallory is his primary driver, she doesn't mind at all and actually loves driving him places
- Has a bad habit of getting into twitter arguments. He has an alternate account that doesn't have his real name or anything attached to it so he can argue without NHL media asking him about it
- He has an ongoing bit with Shawn where they both make the most absurd gay jokes about each other during interviews. Fans are now perfectly split between either believing them or assuming its just a bit that's been going on for way too long. Both parties are correct.
These two. Oh my god.
They would rob a bank together if they could. The absolute definition of "If your friend jumped off a cliff, would you?" and their answer is always "yes." They literally need to be supervised so they dont convince each other to cut off their limbs.
Shawn was also definitely Jonathan's gay awakening back when they met in highschool, he just didn't realize what it was yet. When Shawn mentioned to Jonathan that he was gay Jonathan then proceeded to have wattpad type dreams for a month until Mallory finally convinced him to ask Shawn and Matt if they would be willing to let him experiment with them. They, obviously, accepted.
Shawn's best friend so he's HIS best friend. Jonathan was VERY nervous around Matt when they first met because he was convinced that Matt hated him. In reality Matt's just SUPER bad at not looking like he wants to strangle people when listening to them talk so once Jonathan figured that out they got along well!! Matt is convinced Jonathan is also autistic when in reality he's just. Weird.
Mallory is his life and his everything. He wakes up everyday just so he can see her. When the Specters first made it to the playoffs he got drunk as a celebration and he spent the entire night scream crying about how he wants to go home and see her again. He calls her everyday he's not at home. He literally only leaves the house to play away games or to have gay sex with his other friends (which she also does with her besties)
Were besties back before Shawn and Matt joined the team, and are still super super close. They LOOOOVVEEE gossiping together about the team behind their backs LMFAO. Jacques may only be 3 years older and has only been playing for a couple more years than Jonathan but he still served as a MUCH needed mentor after Jonathan went to live on his own with Mallory. Jonathan also likes picking up Jacques and throwing him like a missile.