Shawn is an extremely loud and proud person. He is consistently the loudest in the room, for better or for worse. He will give you the confidence you never thought you could have, but make you nearly kill a family of 4 in a car crash in the process. He is the DEFINITTION of a bad influence whilst also being the most trustworthy and loyal friend someone could ask for.
He does, however, have a HORRIBLE habit of NEVER opening up to people. Asking him if he's ok is a useless endevor, unless you keep doing it for weeks on end. Matt is the only person to successfully get him to open up, and even then it took a whole ass suicide attempt until he'd say a word.
> Emo and metal music
> His cat :3
> Rhythm games
> Alt Fashion
> Tumblr
> Public humiliation
> NHL media
> Being alone
> Mainstream social media

Overview/T L DR
Born in Newark, New Jersey, Shawn is #95 on the Washington Specters, and was selected 2nd overall in the NHL 2014 draft. He was extremely mentally ill and struggled silently on his own for years until he met his boyfriend, (and future husband) Matthew Bishop. They helped each other both mentally and physically and raised to the top of the league, eventually taking their team to the finals and winning the cup. Shawn is currently the Alternate captain, right behind one of his best friends, Jonathan Bear.
Shawn was born in 1995 from an accidental teen pregnancy. His mom, Jennifer, had him when she was still in highschool, and had to drop out due to it. His dad, Manuel, stayed in school in hopes it would help him get a better job to support his unexpected family. Lots of troubled years go by and when Shawn was 6, his dad committed suicide. Jennifer was already not doing too great mentally and this was her breaking point. She stayed alive just so Shawn would still have someone to go home to, but she was... Not a great mother past this point.
Shawn himself was also not a great kid. He started doing and dealing illegal substances in hopes it would get him enough money to fund his hockey career. He still had no idea what he wanted to do as an adult, and hockey was just about his only interest, so he poured everything he had into it. Which paid off as he managed to join the World Juniors and get noticed by NHL scouts. He was drafted when he was 19, going second overall. His mother would not attend the draft.
He had a lot of pressure on him going into the league. No one knew his name and somehow he was 2nd overall? The audience was obviously suspicious. And for good reason, Shawn could Not handle the NHL. He was good enough to stay in the league, but he was not 2nd overall material. Not even close. The only time his name was ever brought up was to talk about how much of a bust he was. This, on top of SEVERAL undiagnosed mental disorders, rotted away at his brain for years. Until, as a final hurrah, he was sent to the Washington Specters to play with the 1st overall in his draft, Jonathan Bear, and their newly acquired goaltender, Matthew Bishop.
After being traded to the Specters, his stats skyrocketed, making some people believe he was doing steroids or something. He was tested several times and nope, he was fine, just the power of Friendship or some other gay shit. He was truly cemented as a worthy player when in 2022 he made the cup winning goal in game 7 of the finals, being the only one to score that game. The fans fell in love with him as he finally started showing off his true personality and playing the way he was predicted to play. He also became a gay internet micro celebrity as she started posting his comically expensive and intricate emo/scene outfits. He eventually proposes to and marries Matthew in their early 30s, this being the time they came out publicly. It didn't go so well (obviously, it's the NHL) but they were eventually accepted because what? You're gonna hate the 2 of the most popular and best players in the league because they fuck nasty every once in a while? Get Real.
When retirement time came, he took his first dose of estrogen before skating out to his final game, where his number was retired for the Specters alongside Matthew and Jonathan. She had come out as genderfluid a couple years earlier, so fans weren't too shocked by her dressing and presenting feminine in his 40s. He had built up so much good press with the fans that she was selected to become an announcer for the Specters, alongside Jonathan. Of course she has to WORK for that position but those 2 idiots together were an obvious choice as a replacement for the retiring announcers. She goes by both Chelsea and Shawn interchangeably, and wears crazy fancy dresses to work everyday.

Love of his life and the reason he's still alive today. They live together in Seattle and spend almost all their time together. Only reason they aren't making out sloppy style constantly is because they aren't out publically, which does EVENTUALLY change but for now they have to snuggle privately. SAD!
Best friend of all time. Met in highschool from playing on the same World Juniors team and met again during the NHL draft. He's had a massive crush on him for years but assumed he was straight. Jonathan ALSO assumed this about himself but they were both VERY wrong. They are so stupid together its actually dangerous and they need to be supervised by their partners LOL
BESTIES! They go to raves together and have a SHIT ton of similar interests. They were somehow tubmlr mutuals before they even knew each other IRL. Small world I guess?
Not SUPER close, more like "You're best friends with all of my best friends, so we're best friends as well" type of thing yknow? They will still MURDER for each other and cry into each other's arms and make out but yeah they keep it pretty lowkey